Photo by cottonbro studio

For my final EdTech tutorial, I chose to check out Google Forms. I would like to do a creative writing unit in an English class about generative AI and creative writing. In order to gauge student familiarity if AI, as well as their initial thoughts on its usefulness and fairness relating to education and creative writing, I decided to create an anonymous Google Form for students to fill in at the beginning of the unit.

Link to the Google Form

This is not only a great way to get an idea about where students are at, but can also serve as a jumping-off point for initial discussions in the class about AI.

I was able to play around with different fonts, imagery, and colour schemes to fit the “technology aesthetic” I deemed appropriate for the topic at hand. Additionally, the platform allowed me to utilize a variety of ways to gather responses: paragraph form, stars, and multiple choice, to name a few. Using multiple ways to collect this information within the Form can allow students to deeply communicate their thoughts, feelings, and perceptions.